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Initial award levels may be earned while participating in common recreation programs like summer camp, park classes, NASP (National Archery in Schools Program), or other youth programs, where basic equipment is normally provided. You will acquire knowledge and resources in a logical progression to develop your ability and equipment decisions. The Archers Quest program allows for equipment evolutions and introduction to indoor/outdoor shooting experiences… while learning about your local and national archery community… preparing you for the world of archery and your participation in it! …YOUR QUEST begins!

1)  Introduction to Archery – Safety – Range Rules – Range Layout – Instinctive Shooting (3AR) – Types of Equipment

1)  visit a local PRO SHOP
2)  visit a local ARCHERY CLUB
3)  participate in a local INTRO PROGRAM (summer camp, school class, NASP, scouts)


1) 5M Indoor score of 210+ (requirement – take a photo on location with counselor/parent with completed scorecard)


2) 10M Outdoor score of 210+ (requirement – take a photo on location with counselor/parent with completed scorecard)

Print Jr Yeoman Worksheet

Now, before you buy the wrong equipment and shoot the neighbor’s cat, let’s fill in some stuff you need to know…

Posted by Texas Archery Academy on Saturday, June 27, 2015







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